Film Animation

A computer animator is someone who painstakingly conveys the emotions of the characters and the communication with them using meticulous frameworks. In other words, they are known as virtual puppeteers.

Costume Design

The costume designer plays a very important role in the design of the film. Starting from the color of the clothing to the style, fabric, quality of the costume and accessories that are used for the film.


Another opportunity in the film industry is screenwriting. So many screenwriters started out as playwrights, journalists, novelists, or other professional writers, while others started directly with the writing profession, either at a television station or in the film industry itself.

Artistic Direction

The Artistic Director or Director works hand-in-hand with the Producer and Director to provide a detailed set, location, and pleasing setting for the film.As the director of the film, you also have to make sure that each actor or actor/actress plays their part perfectly.